On our 33rd anniversary, we drove up to Mount Hood Lodge for their lunch buffet. We had never been there and heard the food was delicious. Sadly, it was so chilly, and spitting snow with an overcast sky, that we did not see much of a view from any vantage point. We did enjoy the meal and exploring the lodge. It was certainly a good idea for an anniversary meal, regardless of the weather. There were surprisingly a lot of skiers finding places to enjoy their sport. Did I say our anniversary is July 2nd?! It seemed like a safe time to ascend the mountain and see the vistas.
On the way home, in the lowland, we stopped at a large nursery and bought a rose bush for our future home on Vinyard Avenue. We originally wanted a “Double Delight” , and evidently so did everyone else. So Marvin remembered when he helped a lady with her yard, that she had a “Peace” rose that had a good fragrance, so we bought one of those. It is a beautiful yellow rose with rose bud pink edges, but later when we acquired a “Double Delight” there was no comparison to the fragrance.
When I was a young child, my grandmother often bought our birthday cakes from her friend. They were more delicious and beautiful than any cake that I ever bought from a bakery. I have specific memories of the perfectly shaped roses that tasted exactly like what a “Double Delight” rose smells like. If you only have the room, or want to care for only one rose, it simply must be a “Double Delight.”